Poetic Odes in the Genetic Codes

Sometimes you come across a wee gem from times long past.

Yesterday when going through a drawer looking for a random item I had been discussing with my father, I came across two old diaries that belonged to my Papa (Grandfather), Jimmy Dunn. I actually remember being given them, it was April 1984, a week or so after my Papa passed away. My cousin Gary and I were given a couple of diaries and we were told it would be nice if we sat and wrote something in our ‘wee books’ about our Papa.Continue reading

Ode to Talisker

Ode to Talisker

Your Carbost still,
Below Hawk Hill,
A Classic Malt does spawn,

Your subtle hues,
From mountain dews,
When sun rays rise at dawn,

Your amber mask,
From chosen cask,
A deep desire 'tis born,

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